stuff i am grateful for (and stuff i am not)

(Warning: total fluff post. I am way too busy wrapping up NaNo, cooking Thanksgiving dinner and going Christmas shopping to write something legitimate. And, let’s be honest, you’re too full of turkey to read something legitimate. This probably works out better than I originally thought...)

compost crock

I love my compost crock. Before I got this, I used an old stainless steel mixing bowl. This is much prettier. I scored it at our neighborhood yard sale back in September. At the end of the whole shebang, I walked over to say hello to one of my neighbors and there it was, unclaimed on her yard sale table, next to some VHS movies and creepy knick-knacks. I said, “Oh, I want that! It would be perfect for my counter compost collecting!” (Or something like that.) She said, “Take it.” (Exactly that.) And it had a $3 sticker on it, down from $5, so I really made out. I took that $3 I saved and got 3/4 of a mocha at Starbucks. (How else does one afford Starbucks?) (As I rethink this, I should have taken the $5 I saved and bought an entire mocha. Oh, well—hindsight is 20/20.)

ceramic colander

I just bought this recently at the Salvation Army Thrift Store. It goes very nicely with the compost crock (which is really an old soup tureen). I like to drop off things I don’t want anymore at the Salvation Army Thrift Store Donation Center and then go buy things other people didn’t want anymore in the Salvation Army Thrift Store. They are conveniently adjacent to one another. I’m not sure how the math works here, but I’m pretty sure I came out on top. Either way, this colander is just cool. And at a mean $2.99, how does one pass it up, I ask you? I’m not that strong.

Both together. Nice, huh—what did I tell ya?

breezeway storage unit

Scored this from another neighbor—one neighbor’s crap is another’s breezeway storage unit! Yes, it’s not entirely sound, but it’s not as though we have toddlers (anymore—they survived it, don’t worry). It holds all the stuff that makes sense to belong in a breezeway as well as the stuff that I have no idea how to categorize and therefore store with any sense of logic elsewhere.

my husband’s bureau

I do not like this. My husband—let’s call him “Steve”—neither cleans nor organizes his bureau. Ever. The bureau surface holds many assorted items and a shitload of dust. (He often leaves one of the drawers open, too. What is up with that?) One might infer from the expansive collection of deodorants here that he has an odor problem. However, I have been in close proximity to him since 1998 and I don’t think he smells bad. Maybe I’m just used to him. I don’t know. No one has mentioned a bad smell. I, like you, wondered about the collection.

“‘Steve’, why do you have so many deodorants?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? Didn’t you buy them?”



“I don’t know. I don’t have an answer.”

I am not making this up.

Found here: several boxes of matches, basket full of random crap including giant headphones, a roll of black electrical tape, the combination smoke and carbon monoxide detector—safety first, after all. (Don’t be concerned: it is functional, it simply inexplicably resides on his bureau rather in the ceiling of the hallway.) And a lone drum stick. Many of these things would seem to have nothing to do with bedroom-ish activities or needs. Or perhaps I’m just not as creative as he would have hoped when he married me.

(How many of you want to bet “Steve” will not allow me to write about him on this blog anymore? Don’t worry—I’ll ignore him when he tells me not to.)

blue bathroom tile

Does this require explanation? If it does, look at this. It will solidify your understanding.

I don’t know what it is, either.

Thanksgiving banner

I stitched this several years ago when we moved into our house and I was hosting our first Thanksgiving dinner for family. My son was about 4 months old. And all hilarity aside, I am thankful for many, many things outside of my compost crock, cool colander and rickety shelf.

I am grateful that I have something creative that I love to do and have always had the support and encouragement of my husband, parents, sister and good friends to keep doing it.

I am grateful that we are healthy and happy and that our problems are small.

I am most grateful for my buddy, Steve, and our kids, and this life we are living and figuring out together.